Latest NAR/CAR/CRMLS Updates
The Facts for REALTORS® is a reference guide for members, staff, and anyone who support the National Association of REALTORS®. The guide provides background on current events related to the association and give you the tools to talk about them.

The California Association of REALTORS® provides a Quick Guide of the NAR class action settlement. Click the button to the right to find out more information of this settlement.
In addition, here are some resources related to the July 24 C.A.R. Forms Release that are now available:
- Forms Implementation & Training Schedule – this one-sheet provides a snapshot of important dates, member town halls, and education classes related to the new forms.
- FREE C.A.R. Education Classes: C.A.R. Buyer Representation and Residential Listing Agreement Bundle – this new 2-course package allows C.A.R. Members to take the courses online at their own pace, free of charge. Detailed instructions on how to claim these free courses are provided on the site.
- FAQ on July 2024 Forms Release – this document addresses the most commonly asked questions related to the upcoming July Forms Release. We will continue to update this document on an ongoing basis.
- July 2024 New & Revised Forms – view each new and revised form that will be released into zipForm® and other platforms on 7/24. All form changes are notated in red. Additionally, you can access the Quick Summary Guide, which highlights each form change in a chart.

CRMLS has designed a robust resource center to provide the following information:
- Compensation fields will be removed from Matrix, Paragon,
and Flexmls - New CRMLS Rules & Policy changes will go into effect
- The current required Concessions field at Close will include a category list
To find out more, click Resource Center.